We’re rewinding the clock and rolling the stone back a long way this time around ladies and gents with a peach of a picture from 1910.

Take a long, hard peek at this posse of players from all our yesterdays.

A healthy abundance of Dai caps, well-cut suits, sharp hair, and slightly menacing and contemptuous scowls make this lovely lot look like the cast of Peaky Blinders.

But in truth, there’s not a bombastic Brummie in sight. It’s the Llanfoist FC lot from the 1910-11 season. And even though they may look like they have a collective capacity for causal violence it’s probably all a pose. Quite literally!

Having your photograph taken was a serious business when these lads were kicking the ball around the park.

In the black-and-white days of yore, waiting for the snapper to snap you for posterity involved a lot of standing around. Hence the sullen stature and no-nonsense vibe of this fine body of men.

We don’t know nowt about any of the persons pictured, apart from one of the more jovial-looking chaps, sitting third from right in the front row. His name was George Williams.

George left Abergavenny during the First World War. After he landed in France no one ever heard from him again until the family received a message that he had been killed in action. There was no body to bury and his name has since been added to the many on Menin Gate.

One has to wonder just how many of the other lads featured in this picture met with such a tragic end.

But for now let’s remember George and the millions like him, who over a hundred years ago, had everything to live for.