In theory, building a bridge shouldn’t take that long. The Severn Bridge took just over three years to construct. The Golden Gate Bridge took a little over four years, and although the conditions were harrowing and the labour was brutal, the bridge over the River Kwai was built in less than a year.

The Active Travel Plan Bridge over the River Usk tells a different story!

Way back in September 2023, MCC proudly announced that Welsh Government Active Travel funding had been awarded for 2023/24, and phase 1 construction of a bridge for cyclists and pedestrians over the River Usk could begin.

‘Hurrah!’ Thought everyone who was getting a little tired of trying to walk a dog or push a pram on the slither of concrete that is generously called a pavement on the existing bridge.

‘You beauty!’ Cried the cyclists thinking of the day when they didn’t have to deal with irate lorry divers and snappy SUV types when trying to negotiate the stretch of road that takes them from Castle Meadows to the old railway line in Llanfoist.

‘And thank Christ for that!’ Said all those peculiar forward-thinking types in Abergavenny who don’t necessarily see any new development and change as a terrible and ancient curse sent to vex us.

Amidst rants and objections of “It’ll be an eye-sore!” “What happens when the Meadows floods!” And that well-worn classic, “It’ll be the final nail in old mother Aber’s coffin!” Men in Hi-Vis and hard hats slowly began moving piles of earth around in their diggers on the Llanfoist side of the river.

Yet no sooner had construction started, than it stopped.

Despite MCC telling all and sundry in 2023 that “Work on the bridge is currently planned to be completed by December 2024.” Construction was paused over the winter and it never really got going again.

Rumours abounded that MCC had struggled to find a contractor to carry out the work because there were concerns they would be liable for all repairs.

The authority were quick to slam such rumours and in May of last year told the Chronicle, “As with any large construction scheme, all framework and procurement options must be explored to ensure the most effective implementation.

"Following the appointment of a contractor, a detailed program of construction will be confirmed and communicated."

What did it all mean? Was it all just corporate speak signifying little of import and even less of meaning? Far be it for us to judge, but what we know for a fact is, since May, nothing, zilch, nada, has happened in regard to the Active Travel Plan Bridge.

Keen to help MCC out of the hole they often seem intent on digging from themselves. We contacted the authority for an update, and got this, “Monmouthshire County Council remain committed to the delivery of the Abergavenny to Llanfoist Active Travel scheme. Work continues to progress on the necessary designs and permissions required. A funding application has been submitted for the 25/26 financial year and we await the outcome from Welsh Government. We look forward to communicating more information on this exciting project in due course.”

Where the hell is Isambard Kingdom Brunel when you need him?

The proposed Active Travel Plan Bridge (Pic supplied )