A concert will be held next month in memory of two much-loved and missed Abergavenny residents.

‘A Night to Remember’ will take place at the Borough Theatre on Saturday, October 12.

The concert is a musical tribute to Sheila Woodhouse and John Powell.

Mrs Woodhouse served as the town’s mayor from 2013-14 and was also Chairman of Monmouthshire County Council on two separate occasions.

During a long career in public service, Mrs Woodhouse was involved with numerous groups and committees.

She was also a founder member and longtime secretary of Abergavenny Mind Association and President of AAODS.

John Powell spent all his life in and around Abergavenny working on the land, in engineering and in the repair of chainsaws. He founded Powell’s Chainsaw Services which he ran until retiring in 1995.

He was involved from the beginning in the Abergavenny Shire Horse Show and was an enthusiastic and generous supporter of the Borough Band and the air ambulance.

The proceeds from October’s concert will be donated to St David's Hospice.

The concert will feature the musical talents of Abergavenny Borough Band, Abergavenny Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (AAODS) and Ethan Stockham.

A spokesperson for the band said: “It is an honour for us to involved in honouring the memory of two such special people as John and Sheila, both good friends and supporters of the band and exceptional citizens of Abergavenny and raise money for such a worthwhile cause."

A spokesperson for AAODS added: “AAODS were privileged to have had Sheila Woodhouse as their President for several years. Her support and enthusiasm for all things musical is evident in the coming together of AAODS and the Borough Band to raise funds for such a worthy charity as the St David’s Hospice."

The concert will also feature talented young singer, Ethan Stockham. Ethan is a sixth form pupil at King Henry VIII and a member of many choirs.

‘A Night to Remember’ will take place at 7pm on Saturday, October 12.

Tickets can be purchased through the Borough Theatre box office on 01873 850805 or via their website: boroughtheatreabergavenny.co.uk/shows/a-night-to-remember