Llantilio Crossenny WI

Marianne Piper from Dementia Friends, an Alzheimer’s Society Initiative, attended the September meeting of Llantilio Crossenny WI writes Sheryl Westoby.  

 Marianne is the Volunteer Co-ordinator for Monmouth, Raglan and Usk, and is based at the Bridges Centre in Monmouth. Her role focuses on recruiting and deploying volunteers across a huge range of worthwhile projects in the north Monmouthshire area. Marianne’s interactive presentation to Llantilio Crossenny WI was entitled  ‘Dementia Friends’. 

A Dementia Friend is somebody that learns about dementia and then turns their understanding into action. Even small adjustments by each of us can make a huge difference to someone living with dementia. 

The session taught us the 5 key messages of Dementia Friends: 

  • Dementia is not a natural part of aging 
  • Dementia is caused by brain diseases 
  • Dementia is not just about memory loss 
  • It is possible to live well with dementia 
  • There is more to the person than the dementia

 Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing every day activities.

There are many types of dementia with the most common type probably being Alzheimer.  Each type has its own distinct causes and characteristics.

It is an incurable condition caused by diseases of the brain which over time seriously impacts the ability of someone to live independently. 

Although public awareness of it is quite high, understanding of it remains poor and few people appreciate what help is available to live well with dementia.  

It is progressive and gradually gets worse over time affecting, in the main, one in 14 people over 65 years of age but people with dementia can still communicate effectively and live well.

Dementia Friends is about turning understanding into action.  It is important to understand dementia from the perspective of the person with the condition.  This reduces stress for that person.  Don’t ask direct questions, listen to the person and don’t contradict. It’s easier to go along with them and support in a caring, sensitive manner.  

 Members were asked to list the simple steps of making a cup of tea.  It became apparent that actually making a cup of tea can be quite complicated for the ordinary individual let alone someone with memory loss and confusion!  We learned how a person’s short term memory starts to fail first with the illustration of “the wobbly bookcase theory”.  The more recent memories on the higher shelves drop off when shook but emotive memories can linger.

 Everyone warmly listened to a fellow member who spoke from the heart having developed the condition herself.  She confirmed with great sensitivity that she manages to cope thanks to the enduring support of her three close friends, who incidentally were fellow WI members who were with her that evening.  She thanked them dearly for their love and support.

 Marianne was unanimously thanked for giving such an insightful presentation to all and giving everyone a much better understanding. For more information please contact Dementia Friends on 03002225855.

 Other business reported at the meeting included a sunny summer picnic in August at Park Farm, Llantilio and our Monmouth Show craft/cookery exhibit successes. Preparations are in hand for the WI Federation Show Day on November 23.  The theme of the day is “Christmas is Coming”!

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 13 when Clive Morgan from European Heritage will be our guest speaker.  Due to refurbishment of Llanvapley Pavilion, it will take place at The Red Hart Llanvapley, next door! All are welcome.

Keep Abergavenny Tidy

Keep Abergavenny Tidy October
The Keep Abergavenny Tidy team have been working tirelessly to make the town look its best (KAT). (KAT)

Can you spare a few hours each month, getting some exercise outdoors and meeting new people and at the same town helping to keep our lovely town litter free?

If your answer is YES we would love to welcome you into the family that is KAT (KEEP ABERGAVENNY TIDY)

Younger or older, all ages welcome. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 10am in St John’s Square and the third Saturday of each month at 10am at the Bandstand in Bailey Park. Full kit is provided, even a trolley if you don’t fancy carrying the litter bags! You will be helping to keep our town looking its best and you will be rewarded by the number of people who will stop you to say a BIG THANK YOU whilst you are out collecting.

We collect on average over 80 Orange Bags per month and since its inception back in 2019 KAT have collected 4,267 bags of rubbish in Abergavenny!! At a time when public services are being cut it proves how essential this service is to the residents of Abergavenny and the many thousands of visitors who come to enjoy our town each year.

All the work we do is voluntary and we have a committed team of volunteers but we are always looking for new recruits. If you would like to join us or just to find out more you can find us on Facebook – Keep Abergavenny Tidy.