Llantilio Pertholey WI

It has been a busy two months for Llantilio Pertholey WI writes Lavinia O’Brien

In May, our meeting venue and date had to be changed to accommodate the use of Mardy Hall for local elections. We met at Trinity Hall on Friday, 3 May. Many thanks to Trinity. Despite the fact that it was a very serious meeting, a gaily decorated room welcomed members to the Annual Meeting.

A beautiful bunting, made by Helen Colwell, was very much admired, thank you Helen for your hard work. At the business meeting Members voted unanimously for the 11 Committee members, it was also unanimously agreed that the current President, Lavinia O'Brien would remain in post.

Members were also asked to vote if they were in agreement to the National proposal that “Dental Health Matters” be accepted as 2024 National campaign, this was passed on a majority decision.

Before tea/coffee and fish and chips were enjoyed, notices for Supper Club at Anatolian, Summer Trip to Sidmouth in August, volunteers for Skittle Team, Monthly walk details and Gwent Federation events were given.

The monthly competition, won by Jan Warrender as the only entry. Well done Jan!

At our June meeting Lavinia O'Brien, President, welcomed members and spoke briefly about that fact that it was 80 years ago on 6 June 1944 that the D Day Landings were carried out, signalling the beginning of liberation in Europe. At the Llantilio Pertholey WI meeting, on 6 June 2024, I think we were all very conscious of the debt we owed to those young men.

To commemorate this auspicious day, Members wore red, white and blue, as well as listening to Vera Lynn and Glen Miller, whilst enjoying our tea/coffee and biscuits.

Our speaker was Amy Kitcher from the War Graves Commission. I know it sounds as though this would be depressing but it was anything but! Amy gave a very interesting talk, which included poems written by the soldiers involved in the landings. She answered lots of questions and also found time to judge our competition which was for the best photograph of a memorial. This was won by Jan Warrender, 2nd Lavinia O'Brien, joint 3rd Pat Vowles and Angela Davies.

On Wednesday 5 June, Lavinia O'Brien and Jane White had been to the WI National Conference, at the Royal Albert Hall.

They reported that the guest speakers had been excellent, that the proposal to accept “Dental Health Matters” as 2024 resolution had been passed and that hearing 5,000 WI members singing Jerusalem at the RAH accompanied by the grand organ had been an amazing experience.

As part of our normal programme Jane White reported Supper Club in June would be to Kongs restaurant and Liz Barnes would be leading the usual monthly walk at the end of the month.

Because of the General Election our July meeting will once again be held at 7.15 pm at Trinity Hall on Friday 5 July, where we have the Rhinestone Cowgirls and will, no doubt, be trying a bit of line dancing. The competition will be best dressed cowgirl.

If you are interested in fun and friendship, meeting some new people, and would enjoy a chance to learn new skills and take part in a wide range of activities please come and join us we would love to welcome you.

We normally meet at 7,15 pm on the first Thursday of the Month at the Mardy Hall.

For further information contact Lavinia O'Brien 01873 851 356

Gilwern WI

Twenty Gilwern WI members gathered last Friday in one of the member’s garden for a 75th Anniversary celebratory "shared lunch".

Gilwern WI at 75
Gilwern WI members celebrate its 75th birthday (Supplied)

Everyone bought a plate of food to help us enjoy a lovely meal together "al fresco" and we toasted the occasion with a glass of "bubbles" of the alcoholic or non alcoholic variety and a slice of a lovely Anniversary celebration cake made by Jane Pratt.

Gilwern's anniversary cake (supplied)

We all had a fantastic time and the weather was perfect with no rain but not too hot.

We meet on the second Thursday of each month at Gilwern Community Centre at 7pm.

Come along and see what we offer and a warm welcome will be guaranteed.

The Abergavenny Folk, Blues and Country Music Club

The Abergavenny Folk, Blues and Country Music Club’s next meeting is on Tuesday, July 9 at The Hen and Chicks (Chickens) in Abergavenny. Monthly meetings will continue on the second Tuesday of every month.

Starting at 8pm, featuring purely acoustic, traditional and contemporary music.

Everyone is welcome! You don’t have to be a player, just come along, join in the fun and be entertained by a wide choice of music and verse, performed by excellent strummers, fiddlers, pickers, pluckers and poets!

 For further information contact Graham 01873 852 108