The recent pandemic emphasised the importance of communicating digitally, and how quickly people can become isolated.

Many of us had to adapt overnight to using Teams, Zoom and the like to enable us to see our loved ones, work from home, order our shopping online, pay our bills and much more; our computers and phones literally became our lifeline.

Monmouthshire Housing {MHA) recognises not everybody has the skills or equipment to do this, which is why they are launching their iConnect project.

Research collated by the Good Things Foundation shows that around 10 million people lack the most basic digital skills, and 2 million households struggle to afford internet access and this picture is repeated across Monmouthshire.

iConnect offers all-round digital support ranging from getting online, to accessing services, seeking health and well-being advice, staying connected with loved ones, applying for jobs, as well as sourcing devices and affordable wi-fi.

To date iConnect has supported 170 people and helped 40 people to get online. Sue Parker, a regular at MHA’s Abergavenny drop in told us “I’m feeling more confident and have been able to communicate better with my art group and able to keep in touch with my friends who live away”.

The project has been supported by Monmouthshire County Council, helping the iConnect Team secure over £400,000 of funding from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund.

With match funding from Monmouthshire Housing Association and the support of partners already working in the community, iConnect are committed to pushing back the many barriers people have to exploring the digital world and in doing so helping them find new interests, new connections and new opportunities.