Monmouthshire County Council have announced they will be planting new trees and wildflowers in an Abergavenny car park as part of their plans to improve ‘green infrastructure’ in the county.

Work will commence in early April on enhancements at Castle Street car park as the council looks to create green corridors through Abergavenny. The project is designed to support connectivity with other green spaces in the town.

‘Green infrastructure’ is the term used to describe the creation of a network of natural and semi-natural features, green spaces, rivers and lakes that intersperse and connect villages and towns.

Planting will include rowan and field maple trees in wooden planters, and native wildflower turf on existing amenity grassland. Wildflowers such as autumn hawkbit, birdsfoot trefoil and crested dogstail amongst others will grow in these wildflower areas. These additional native wildflowers and trees will provide more food and habitats for birds and insects, and benefit pollinators such as bumblebees, honey bees and butterflies, which are already supported by the Council’s pollinator friendly grassland management.

The new trees and wildflower meadows will also reduce carbon emissions through the storage of carbon, and so help in addressing the issues of climate change. The planting will also support ecosystem resilience, improve water quality, and support general well-being in the town for both residents and visitors.

Works are expected to take approximately one week to complete, dependent on-site conditions. Small sections of the car-park around the planting installation will be temporarily closed off, but Castle Street car park will still remain open for all users. Monmouthshire County Council apologises for any potential inconvenience during the works.

Following public consultation all respondents supported the aspiration to enhance green corridors across Abergavenny. Ideas proposed have been incorporated where feasible into the current proposals for Castle Street and will be taken on board for future projects.

If you would like to know more about Green Infrastructure at Monmouthshire County Council, please visit