Young people from the Creative Futures Project in Abergavenny took to the stage at the town’s Borough Theatre over the weekend to enact a thought-provoking story which everyone should consider as food for thought.
The play depicts a class of rebellious teens who have no desire to respect their elders. However, they gain some important perspective as they suddenly find themselves at the age of 80 and living in a care home for the elderly.
Katherine McDermid Smith is the youth art producer and was very proud of the young people on-stage. She said that all the hard work the young people put into the performance has paid off.
“They really showed how much new and exciting theatre can ignite people’s imaginations and spark necessary conversation,” she said.
“The talent of these young people, many of whom only started performing over the last year, was so evident, especially to me as someone who has been watching them develop over the last year.”
Katherine said putting on a new show was a big gamble, but it paid off with the audience praising the performance.
“It was a bit of a risk putting on a new theatre piece, especially with young people, but I was so pleased to see such a wide-ranging crowd,” she said.
“Speaking to the young people afterwards, they seemed genuinely proud of themselves, invigorated, and so pleased that they got such a good response.”
The cast included: Ross Hodge (Mr Manoukian), Isabella Miles (Arpi), Jasmine Gilchrist (Mo), Eryn Tamlyn (Nina), Rosie Ev Spencer (Barney), Timoty Miles (carer), Seth Miles (carer), Sidney Miles (carer), Amy Bowd (elders), Lily Grace Spencer (Ashaluys), Cayden Skinner (Bob), Timothy Miles (Amoy), Eveleyn Jean Ballard (Takoush, Barney’s mum, Rachel), Roman Balagrishina (Ernie.)
The Creative Futures Project is a collaborative programme that supports local arts activity and gives young people a voice in its development.
Committed to empowering young people, the project brings together numerous arts and youth organisations, developing a network of spaces and opportunities that give emphasis to the exploration and enjoyment of creative practice.
The programme consists of bespoke youth arts sessions that are curated and led by the most experienced local and national arts practitioners. Incorporating theatre, music, writing, dance and numerous other skills, Creative Futures aims to support diverse opportunities for young people.
Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Creative Futures is a collaboration between The Borough Theatre, Dance Blast, Melville Centre for the Arts and Monmouthshire Youth Services.
Bringing together organisations committed to the arts and to youth, Creative Futures creates a Monmouthshire wide community of spaces and opportunities. Through collaboration, shared knowledge, expertise and resources, we will build a stronger network that supports young people in their journeys of self-expression.
The project has also worked alongside local amateur companies through A4B and has provided support to a number of companies including Abergavenny Pantomime Company and Junior AAODS