DEMOCRACY came to the classroom of Goytre Fawr Primary School with a visit from the local MP.

David Davies was invited to speak to Year 6 pupils about his role in the British parliamentary process.

He delivered his non-political ‘A Day in the Life’ talk – a behind the scenes look at the workings of Westminster which details what MPs get up to in their constituencies, as well as in London.

It formed part of a humanities immersion day where guest speakers gave a first-person insight into how Wales and the UK is governed.

The Monmouth MP and Secretary of State for Wales then held a mock debate, with the students discussing the motion of banning homework.

Afterwards, they put Mr Davies through his paces during a lively question and answer session.

He said: “It was an absolute pleasure to visit Goytre Fawr Primary School and discuss the mechanics of governance.

“The children asked lots of intelligent questions and relished the chance to get involved in a mock parliamentary debate where I acted as Mr Speaker.

“I am often told that more can be done by politicians to reach out to young people and I thoroughly enjoy giving these talks.”  

Year 6 class teacher Matthew Brown said: “As a school we are always seeking out real-life authentic learning experiences for the children, so to have the Secretary of State for Wales available for them to interact with was excellent!”