DREWE Lacey, District Governor for Rotary District 1100, celebrated the completion of the Source of Life project, at an event in the Shire Hall, Monmouth.
The project represents a phase of the ongoing commitment by Rotarians to engage with local environmental groups and offer support to the campaign for clean water in our rivers and elsewhere.
The event welcomed the Mayor of Monmouth (David Evans) and of Ross on Wye (Bev Pope), Rotarians from Clubs along River and Charities active in finding a solution to the deteriorating ecology of the River.
It celebrated his achievement in raising nearly £11,000, raising awareness of the state of the River Wye and walking 146miles from the Source in the mid-Wales Plynlimon Mountains to the mouth in Chepstow.
Drewe thanked, his family, particularly his wife Felicity and daughter Harriett, who supported him throughout the walk, for their support all the Rotary Clubs that contributed to the sum collected and arranged events along the River last September. They were presented with certificates and a roll of honour of the clubs supporting the project.
Rotarian Bob Handley, District Environment Lead and Rotary Monmouth, summarized the involvement of several Rotary Clubs including Rotary Monmouth collaborating with charities like Friends of the River Wye and the Wye and Usk Foundation to raise awareness and improve river ecology.
Drewe presented checks to Richard Howell for half the sum raised for Citizen Science efforts of the Wye Alliance; Friends of the River Wye, the Campaign for Rural England (represented by Andrew McRobb) and the Wye Salmon Association (represented by Paul Vernon). Richard highlighted the importance of Citizen Science in providing factual evidence to guide efforts in enforcement by the Regulatory agencies, if appropriate, and publicity and awareness for MPs.
The efforts of Citizen Science along the River have been compiled into what is believed to be the largest volunteer based Environmental Database globally.
Drewe then presented a cheque for the other half to Nic Puntis from GIST Cancer UK to support their efforts in supporting research into cancer cures, providing information and a help line for patients and those, like Drewe, living with GIST cancer.