Crickhowell High School has said it is “filled with joy” as they proudly announced some of their strongest results, with many individual success stories.
A spokesperson for the school said: “Our students have demonstrated their unwavering commitment, resilience and passion for their learning to achieve academic excellence and personal bests. We extend our warmest congratulations to all our A2, AS and BTEC students on their superb results.”

Just under 100 students sat A2 and BTEC qualifications this year, in more than 30 subjects. More than 44 per cent of all grades awarded are at A*-A, 86 per cent of grades awarded are at A*-C and 99.5 per cent of grades awarded are A* - E.
Nearly all students have secured their first or insurance place at University, and many are celebrating acceptance on to prestigious scholarships and apprenticeship schemes.
The range of universities and courses include: Law and French at Oxford University, Mathematics at Bristol University, English at York University, Pharmacology at Keele, Agriculture at the Royal Agricultural University, Law at Cardiff University, Adult Nursing at the University of South Wales, Aerospace Engineering at Surrey University, Sports and Exercise Science at Bath University, Computer Science at Aberystwyth University, Business Management and Economics at Loughborough University, and apprenticeships in Media and Public Services.

The spokesperson added: “Results for our Year 12 students are also highly celebrated. They have set a strong foundation and remarkable promise for the next academic year ahead, as our students progress into Year 13.
“This year’s results and overall success of our students reflects the essence of our school – ‘Excellence through Endeavour’. We combine academic quality with character development, nurturing well-rounded individuals.
“Heartfelt thanks are shared with our dedicated teaching staff, support staff, parents/carers and Governing Body who have collaborated effectively to make this all possible for our fantastic young people.

“We are confident that our students will go on to make their mark on the world. For those who are leaving us, we look forward to keeping in touch and hearing about their future successes. We know their potentials know no bounds and we wish them all the very best.”
Hereford Sixth Form College also shared how delighted they are with their students achievements this year.
A Levels exceeded the national level with 54.8 per cent of grades at A* to B with an overall pass rate of 99.4 per cent, with top performing students on par with the leading independent, state schools and colleges in the country. Applied courses also exceeded the national average with 48.2 per cent of students gaining Distinctions, with an overall pass rate of 99.7 per cent for year two. A remarkable 40 students achieved all A*-A grades with 96 students achieving 3 A*/A or Distinction grades, or more.
Lilly B, a former Hereford Academy student, is celebrating A* A* A* this results day. She said: “I have loved my time at college, the support, especially through the Reach programme has been phenomenal… my results enable me to go to my dream University!” Lilly will be studying Geography at Oxford University.
Isobel K, a former Bishop of Hereford Bluecoat School student, is celebrating AAB in her A Levels securing her place to study medicine at the University of Nottingham. Isobel said: “HSFC have been so supportive in my application to study medicine, helping me every step of the way. I’m incredibly excited to start my studies!”
A spokesperson for Hereford Sixth Form College said: “Congratulations to the 19 students who will be taking up their oxbridge places, nine at Oxford and 10 a Cambridge.
“The college is also delighted to celebrate the success of our students who have secured degree apprenticeships with national and international companies. These include Samworth Brothers (Food Science and Technology) and Airbus (Aerospace Engineering.)
“Josh D, a former Tenbury High Ormiston Academy student, has secured an apprenticeship with Newsquest at the Hereford Times to pursue a career in Journalism.”
Josh is celebrating A*BB and said: “HSFC has given me the tools I need to achieve.”
Student, Chloe P, previously of St Mary’s RC High School, is thrilled with her results as they meet the entry requirements for the Police Constable Apprenticeship she intends to apply for.
College Principal, Cathrine Brearey, was delighted with the students performance. She said: “These results reflect incredibly well upon our hard-working students and dedicated staff after a challenging couple of years. I am extremely proud of all of our students and delighted the they have strong foundations on which to build.
“Many will be going to university, with a high proportion to higher tier universities, with others securing highly competitive Apprenticeships.
“Our students should be very proud of their achievements, and we can’t wait to hear what thy have accomplished in a few years’ time. Well don to you all!"