King Henry VIII 3-19 School celebrate a “very strong set of results” following A Level results day.

Head Teacher, Jonathan Watson, congratulated Year 13 pupils, who achieved grades above national averages; a feat he commended as “impressive”, in light of the decline of grades in Wales after their return to pre-pandemic levels.

The results are as follows:

31.9% of A-level grades at A*-A

24.0% of pupils achieving three or more A*-A A-level grades (if studied three A-levels)

55.2% of A-level grades at A*-B

81.9% of A-level grades at A*-C

33.3% of WBQ Skills Challenge Certificate pupils achieving an A* or A grade

100% WBQ Skills Challenge certificate pass rate

Mr Watson, said: “Huge congratulations to all our Year 13 pupils who received their results today. These results reflect your high levels of determination, ambition, and courage that you have consistently shown.

“Thank you to our wonderful staff for the first-class support you provide our pupils.”

Many of King Henry’s Year 13 pupils are now moving on to the next chapter of their education, with 85.3% embarking on their first-choice courses and 98% on their first or second choice.