Plans for a £50m all-through super school do not need an in-depth environmental impact report, planners have ruled.

Owing to the size of the development, which proposes a new 1,970-pupil school for three-year-olds through to sixth formers in Abergavenny on the current site of King Henry VIII School, the scheme had to be assessed over its potential environmental impact.

The old building is set to be demolished after the new one is built and opened in September 2024.

And county council planners have now ruled that the development “is unlikely to result in a significant adverse effect” and doesn’t need a screening report.

The decision says: “The site is within an urban envelope, already accommodates a built form and use that is to be replaced with new (albeit a different layout) built form, but still with the same use and general similar location.”

A pre-application consultation period into the proposed design of the new school concluded on Monday January 10.

The new campus will accommodate 20 Flying Start places, 30 nursery places, 180 foundation phase places, 120 primary places, 600 middle phase places, 720 upper school places and 200 sixth formers.

Specialist provision for children with complex neurodevelopmental and learning needs will also be included, with 71 places provided.

The demolition of the existing building will allow for new sports facilities for the school and community, including a sports hall, sports pitches and classrooms for adult education, say council education chiefs.

The new school will replace King Henry VIII and Deri View schools, while Welsh medium school Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni will move to the site of Deri View School, allowing it to expand.

Abergavenny Leisure Centre will be retained in its current location under the plans, but a separate gym will be demolished.

The plans show that the lower school will be located close to a stream and woodland, to provide a supervised forest school.

A new public pedestrian and cycle route is also proposed across the site.

The design and access statement says the development will offer a modern, net zero carbon building with a “high quality” design.

Plans for the nursery to be privately-run were scrapped by the council following a backlash, with maintained provision favoured.

Detailed plans can be viewed at