Abergavenny Symphony Orchestra ended its summer term with a joyful performance from Manu Brasso who played a selection of themes from Verdi’s La Traviata,  in a concert packed with great tunes from the opera.  

The new term for the orchestra  will  start on September 1 with a workshop for string players (members and newcomers), under the guidance of local professional violinist, Gillian Bradley.   This is a superb opportunity for players to be coached by  Gill who is returning to support the orchestra, having  first joined as a member  aged  10.

She has returned to the orchestra as a soloist over the years, last in November 2022 to play  Vaughan William’s The Lark Ascending. Gill is a freelance musician, regularly playing with Welsh National Opera, and providing  invaluable  tuition to musicians locally and nationally. 

The orchestra holds weekly rehearsals on a Sunday evening during school term time, starting Sunday 8th September 2024, in preparation  for concerts on November 17 and December 8.

 If you’re interested in joining us for the workshop or full rehearsals contact the orchestra at info@abergavennysymph.org.uk