The annual Abergavenny Eisteddfod will be held on Saturday, June 29 in the Methodist Chapel, Castle Street, Abergavenny.

Stage and literary competitions in Welsh and English are held with generous prizes for the winners. Prelims for the stage competitions will be held during the day in the chapel and the finalists will compete in the grand concert at 7pm.

We welcome competitors from all over Wales but we would be delighted to have more from our local area – we know there are talented people out there so how about giving it a go?

For more information please visit or contact Rosemary Williams on 01873 811814 / 07929 609689 or Helen Middleton 01873 890388 / 07949 693109

Abergavenny's annual Eisteddfod
The day is a celebration of Welsh culture. (Rosemary Williams )

A spokesperson from the event said: “We welcome competitors from all over Wales but would be delighted to have more from our local area – we know there are talented people out there so how about giving it a go?”

For more information please visit or contact Rosemary Williams on 01873 811814 / 07929 609689 or Helen Middleton 01873 890388 / 07949 693109

Abergavenny's annual Eisteddfod
Participants from across the country are invited to take part, but there is a particular call for locals. (Rosemary Williams)

Bydd Eisteddfod flynyddol Y Fenni yn cael ei chynnal ar ddydd Sadwrn, Mehefin 29ain yng Nghapel y Methodistiaid, Stryd y Castell, Y Fenni.

Bydd cystadlaethau llwyfan a llenyddol yn y Gymraeg a Saesneg gyda gwobrau hael i'r enillwyr.

Bydd rhagbrofion y cystadlaethau llwyfan yn ystod y dydd yn y capel, a bydd y rownd derfynol yn cael ei chynnal fel cyngerdd mawreddog am 7yh.

Rydym yn croesawu cystadleuwyr dros Gymru gyfan, ond byddai yn hyfryd cael rhagor o gystadleuwyr lleol o'r Fenni a'r cyffiniau – rydym yn gwybod fod y dalent yna felly beth amdani?

Am ragor o fanylion ewch at www.Eisteddfod y, neu ellwch gysylltu a Rosemary Williams 01873 811814 / 07929 609689 neu Helen Middleton 01873 890388 / 07949 693109