MONMOUTH Music Theatre are gearing up for their new show next month at the Savoy Theatre, when they will be performing the Lerner and Loewe classic My Fair Lady.
Their autumn 2023 show The Priates of Penzance proved simply swashbuckling, and after numerous successful productions over the years the group are all set to thrill theatregoers once again by crossing the t's and dotting the i's with the master of elocution Henry Higgins and his errant student Eliza Doolittle.

The musical, turned into a hit film in the 1960s starring Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn, follows the trials and tribulations of Cockney flower seller Eliza who challenges famed phonetics professor Henry to put his money where his mouth is, after he boasts to his friend Colonel Pickering that he could pass her off as a duchess with a little tuition.
A bet is made and, in the ensuing shenanigans, a horse’s love gains Eliza an adoring stalker at the races, an unspecified plain somewhere in Spain gets soggy, and Alfred P. Doolittle, common dustman and Eliza’s dad, buys ‘A Lot of Beer’ and finds himself a celebrated moralist.
Rehearsals are in full swing and the show runs at the Savoy from Wednesday to Saturday, April 17-20.
Tickets £16 adults/£10 children are available at the theatre box office or via