We are in the denouement of March. Full disclosure, I had to look that up, and it seemed a good alternative to ‘the last week’. It appears that in a film, the denouement is ‘the final scene or sequence of a story. It occurs after the climax when all conflicts are resolved and all questions answered to bring about a sense of resolution for the audience.’

That about sums up my March – and February.

Last week was the spring equinox, and this weekend the clocks go forward an hour, so we really are into spring with both feet. Which reminds me of the saying, ‘it is only spring when you can put your foot on 12 daisies simultaneously’, and which I did last week.

Gardener’s are grateful for Jack Frost’s visits as it means there should be far less pests, especially slugs, to contend with this summer. I have already seen a few ladybirds – although I don’t think there were enough to be classed as a ‘Loveliness’, the collective term for a group of ladybirds, and possibly one of the best collective nouns.

Whilst the cold days have been beneficial, March has also been exceptionally dry in Wales, seeing only 15% of the 1991-2020 average rainfall for the month, compared to 18% in England and 36% in Scotland. It has been noticeably dry in garden beds and borders but possibly the most indicative signs are sadly the mountain and moorland fires that have been burning angrily throughout Wales. A staggering 120 fires were reported in just 48 hours in mid and south Wales. Causes vary with whoever you talk to, but please, no matter what time of the year, or the weather conditions please be responsible and act accordingly when out in our beautiful countryside.

I am back in full swing with maintenance now, looking after 12 gardens of all shapes, sizes and varying degrees of demands, but I have enjoyed a bit of dry stone walling during the winter ‘dormancy’. I built these three Labradors into a dry stone wall for a lovely client who (unsurprisingly) has three labs of her own. I absolutely loved the creative and the practical side of dry stone walling and will be doing more when I can snaffle the time to do so. It is said that creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties, and it’s lovely when a client allows you to do just that and is thrilled with the results. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could all just ‘lighten up a bit’; as Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

With Easter being a bit later this year, it gives you plenty of time to plan some creative projects outdoors – in the garden or the countryside. A friend is already planning to turn a small raised area next to her patio into a ‘cocktail garden’, and planting herbs like mint, basil and sage, as well as strawberries which can be used in cocktails. You could do the same in a large container or even an old wheelbarrow.

There are lost of ideas on line for making fab’luss plant markers, hanging containers, reviving and painting old garden furniture, creating the most brilliant dividers and trellis panels and vertical gardens, ands lots of other things too. If you are new to growing veggies, why not try ‘square foot gardening’, typically set up in a small garden bed divided into 1-foot squares, they make for an easy, neat and efficient way to start off.

Have a think, make a list and start gathering what you need for an eggs-tremely creative Easter holiday.