Friday, December 8 marked this year’s IET Faraday Challenge Day; seeing two teams of six girls from Abergavenny’s King Henry VIII School (KHS) compete against four mixed teams from Caldicot High School.
The students were tasked with designing a prototype that would keep pedestrians safe; utilising their STEM skills to develop the prototype, with working electronics.The teams then had to pitch their project to a panel of Faraday Engineers.
A spokesperson from KHS stated: “Both teams were a credit to the school. They did fantastically well in the designs and pitches.”

However, only one team could win; with the KHS team ultimately reigning triumphant.
congratulations to students: Alana, Bethany, Cunda, Dolly, Ronnie and Rosie.
The team must now await to see their score to see where they stand in the top 75 teams in the UK.
If they make it through to the top 5, they will be competing in the UK finals.