IN an inspiring display of determination and compassion, six-year-old George McDonald from Llanfoist has raised an impressive £560 for Macmillan Cancer Support by cycling two miles every day for two weeks.  

The young cyclist's efforts were sparked after his school, Llanfoist Fawr Primary, held a Macmillan Coffee Morning, where George learned about the charity’s vital work and wanted to contribute in a bigger way. 

“He came home and asked us all about it, and how he could get involved and raise more funds,” George’s father, Blake, recalled.  

“My wife (Charlotte) and I initially suggested ideas like baking or selling cakes to raise funds, but George wanted to cycle as he saw mummy's medal for cycling in the past.” 

Together, the family came up with the idea of George riding two miles a night for two weeks, a challenge that instantly excited the young boy. 

"We are so proud and excited for George," shared his parents, explaining that the whole family rallied behind his decision.  

In preparation of his fundraising efforts, Charlotte spoke to George's school, asking if the family could help raise money for Macmillan and give the money towards the coffee morning fund on completion. 

Finally, after printing off sponsor forms, it was all up to George! 

George's cycling route took him all over Abergavenny and Llanfoist, including the local cycle track and canal paths.  

Despite the weather being a challenge, with heavy rain on some days, George was undeterred. "We bought waterproof clothes and kept going," Blake commented. "George kept saying, 'We need to keep going even in the rain to raise money for the poorly people.'" 

The two-mile rides, which took around 45 minutes each day, became a routine. Even on the days when George was too tired to cycle after school, the youngster would simply cycle before school instead! 

Throughout the two weeks, family and friends cheered him on, and at the end of his final ride, they celebrated with party poppers, amazed by his accomplishment.  

Reflecting on George’s success, Blake said, “As parents, we are extremely proud and honoured to have such a kind-hearted son. When we tucked George into bed after the last ride, we told him how much he had raised. His eyes lit up with excitement, and he said, ‘Wow, now we can help the big people and the little people.’ It made our hearts burst with pride.” 

Looking ahead, George is already thinking about his next challenge and can't wait to come up with new ways to help others.  

For now, his £560 donation to Macmillan stands as a testament to his hard work, dedication, and desire to make a difference in the lives of those battling cancer. 

Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the largest British charities[3] and provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer. It also looks at the social, emotional and practical impact cancer can have, and campaigns for better cancer care. Macmillan Cancer Support's goal is to reach and improve the lives of everyone affected by cancer in the UK.

The charity was founded 1911 as the Society for the Prevention and Relief of Cancer, by Douglas Macmillan following the death of his father from the disease. 

Macmillan Cancer Support supports local information and support centres, cancer support groups, benefits advisers and cancer support specialists, and can help with practical, medical, financial and emotional support.

The charity provides information about cancer through its information standard website, free printed and recorded materials, telephone support line and over 170 local cancer information and support services nationwide.