A MAN died after colliding with a car as he crossed the road on the outskirts of Abergavenny on Monday.

The casualty, named later as 37-year-old Gavin Horne from the Caerphilly area, had left his driver’s parked up truck in a lane off the A4042 near the bridge at Llanellen when the accident happened.

The woman driver of the Seat car involved was treated at the scene for shock. She was not physically hurt and did not require hospital treatment.

Two police officers who attended the incident tried desperately to revive the casualty with CPR treatment.

They continued their treatment until paramedics arrived to take over.

The tragedy happened just before midday as the woman, in her late 20s and from the Cardiff area, was travelling towards Abergavenny.

Her car came to a stop some 40ft after the point of collision just a few hundred yards up from the bridge.

Police and paramedics attended the location which was sealed off to allow accident investigators to examine the scene in detail.

Traffic diversions were set up at the Hardwick roundabout and on the other side of the bridge.

The road was closed for just over four hours while the inquiry was completed.

It’s understood Mr Horne, who was working for a firm from Blackwood, had left the truck at the entrance to a side lane before crossing on to the other side of the road and into a field.

The accident happened as he tried to return to the vehicle at about 11.50am.

He was pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor.

His family were informed of the fatality within hours.

The Welsh Air Ambulance attended the scene together with two land ambulances and a fleet of police cars.

The aircraft, which landed in a field behind the truck, was not needed.

The body was removed by a firm of undertakers and taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport.

The coroner has been informed - and an inquest is expected to open to take formal evidence of identity.

Abergavenny police commander Insp Huw Jones said from the scene, “This appears to be a tragic set of circumstances. Two of my officers commenced CPR before the arrival of paramedics.”

He added, “At this time our thoughts go out to the family of the man and to the driver of the car.”