Monmouthshire County Council has responded to rumours that work on the new bridge between Llanfoist and Castle Meadows is being delayed.

The bridge will become the main river crossing between Llanfoist and Abergavenny for non-motorised users, as part of the Active Travel Plan. 

Construction of the bridge was due to commence in September 2023, with the bulk of construction work in 2024.

However, there have been reports suggesting that work has been delayed due to the authority struggling to find a contractor to do the work amid concerns they would be held ‘liable’ for repairs.

The council planned to procure a contractor to undertake the main Llanfoist to Abergavenny Active Travel Bridge works with the same company responsible for work on the paths and ramps but there are fears that work has been delayed

The council have slammed the rumours, stating that work is underway.

An MCC spokesperson said: "Officers continue to work through the procurement process for construction of the Llanfoist Active Travel crossing and associated links. As with any large construction scheme, all framework and procurement options must be explored to ensure the most effective implementation.

“Construction has begun on the south side ramp access, and planning for the Active Travel crossing has been secured. Following the appointment of a contractor, a detailed programme of construction will be confirmed and communicated.

“Funding has been allocated through the Welsh Government Active Travel fund for the financial year 24/25 to allow this project to proceed. A public consultation on the Llanfoist Links element of this scheme will launch shortly, as well as an update on access points to Castle Meadows."

The Active Travel Plan has been the subject of much controversy following the death of a pet dog. The seven-year-old dog died in April last year after getting caught in a cattle grid installed as part of a trial related to the new routes at Castle Meadows in Abergavenny. 

Last month, it was revealed that an overwhelming number of Castle Meadow users have called for the installation of swing gates rather than cattle grids.