MONMOUTH MS, Peter Fox, has expressed his disappointment over Monmouthshire County Council’s decision to not revert any roads to 30mph.

Monmouthshire County Council has recently conducted a review of 20mph speed limits following revised guidance issued by Welsh Government.

Of the nearly 1,500 responses received from Monmouthshire’s residents, who highlighted 143 roads where it was felt a return to the 30mph limit was more appropriate, out of these roads, only 4 were chosen to be re-assessed, with the outcome being that the lower speed limits should remain in place.

Peter Fox, Member of the Senedd for Monmouth, and Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Transport & Rural Affairs, has said: “It is disappointing that after such a significant number of residents responded to the review by Monmouthshire County Council, that only 4 of the 143 roads flagged were chosen to be reviewed. What happened to the other 139?”

“The outcome of this exercise is that no 20mph roads will revert to 30mph in Monmouthshire, which I know will be frustrating for residents. I am not against 20mph where it is needed, such as outside schools, hospitals, or where there are safety issues.”

“We must have a more common-sense approach to this policy, and I think the Welsh Government needs to look at this again to ensure there is a consistent approach across Wales”

“The Welsh Conservatives have been clear that they would reverse the 20mph default back to 30mph and would work with local authorities and the public to retain lower limits where needed.”

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