Llantilio Pertholey Community Council held an open day last weekend with a view to fostering stronger links with the local community and to assist local organisations in hopefully attracting new members.

Represented on the day were Llantilio Pertholey WI, Gavenny Gardening Club, Ti a Fi Community Group, Mardy Indoor Bowls and Mardy Football Club. Visitors were also able to fill out a questionnaire concerning the use of council facilities and to comment on plans and proposals for planting in Mardy Park which have been led by local resident Zoe Cameron in conjunction with the council.

Several guests were in attendance including Councillor Su McConnell, the new Chair of Monmouthshire County Council and Councillor Chris Holland, Mayor of Abergavenny. Councillor McConnell has been a regular at community council meetings and was delighted to be attending the first formal engagement in her new role and pledged to continue the support and interest she has previously shown in the community council.

“Thanks go to Zoe Cameron , Scott Baugh, and Del Hayward for their hard work beforehand and on the day,” said a council spokesman.