Saturday, August 10 saw a crowd of local residents gather to voice their opposition to racism and promote unity within the community.

Held in Abergavenny’s town centre, the peaceful protest was attended by a diverse group of people, including Mrs. Jordan Khan, a prominent advocate for racial equality, and her husband, Mr. Rumish Khan.

Families gathered in support of their message (Pictured by: Delwyn Edward Photography). (Delwyn Edwards)

Also amongst the attendees were Claire Oliver, Bryn Waters and Mary Catley, all long-time Abergavenny residents, who wanted to express their commitment to fighting discrimination in all its forms.

The event featured speeches from local activists, who called for greater awareness and action against racism.

"Abergavenny - a town sanctuary for all" (Pictured by: Delwyn Edwards.) (Delwyn Edwards)

The protesters marched through the town, carrying signs and chanting slogans in support of equality and justice.

Separate groups and members of the public addressed the crowd, emphasised the importance of standing together against hate.

"Racism has no place in our society," one protester stated. "We must all work together to create a more inclusive and just world."

The protest concluded peacefully, with participants vowing to continue their efforts to combat racism in Abergavenny and beyond.

The protest highlighted important social issues (Pictured by: Delwyn Edwards Photography.) (Delwyn Edwards)
There was a feeling of unity amongst locals as they protested peacefully in the town centre (Pictured by: Delwyn Edwards Photography). (Delwyn Edwards)
Protest in Abergavenny
The protest promoted kindness and unity (Pictured by: Delwyn Edwards Photography). (Delwyn Edwards)
Abergavenny protest
A local brought his dog along to the protest (Pictured by: Delwyn Edwards Photography). (Delwyn Edwards)
The protest was supported by locals of all ages (Pictured by: Delwyn Edwards Photography). (Delwyn Edwards)
Protest Abergavenny
Police were also present at the peaceful protest (Pictured by: Delwyn Edwards Photography). (Delwyn Edwards)