First, huge congratulations to my colleague Catherine Fookes. She fought a tireless, decent, honest campaign and will be a wonderful MP. We are very lucky to have her, but it was not luck which won her the seat. It was hard work, and the right approach.

Now it will not be long before you will start to see and feel the difference made by a strong Labour government in Westminster. It completes a virtuous circle for us all here in Monmouthshire. A Labour government in Westminster, working seamlessly with a Labour Welsh administration in the Senedd, liaising now so successfully with your Labour led County Council and to add to it, your new, talented local MP. Keir Starmer has already promised an ‘immediate reset’ of relationships with the Wales Government.

You will already have seen and felt the advantages that joined-up politics has had on everyday lives, working together to bring the best value, the efficient use of resources, the innovative bold policies that come from shared values and honest co-operation.

Expectations will be high and in the coming weeks and months you will see some of the differences that our new government will make. Those advantages will filter through to that way we can do our job as your local authority.

I do not pretend that there are not huge hills still to climb. As an authority, we have had to make budget decisions which owe everything to the long years of Tory austerity. And as our new prime minister has made clear, there is no magic money tree which will allow us to change everything overnight.

What you will see is a change of direction, of emphasis, of priority. Soon to emerge are the benefits of shared values and a coherent approach to the various ways that all of us in public service affect and support your lives.