With the highest turnout of any constituency in Wales, this election proved that democracy is alive and well in our beautiful county.  And after five centuries of electing men to Westminster, Monmouthshire now has its first ever woman MP.


This result was possible for two reasons.  First, the amazing team of volunteers who took our message of change to every street in the constituency, week in and week out, building a community of support for Labour unlike anything Monmouthshire has seen before.  But second, because thousands of people here put country before party and trusted Labour with their votes for the first time in a generation.  I won’t take those votes for granted.   


The immense challenges we all face mean that change will not be easy or overnight.  But here are just a few of the changes we can expect to see, changes that will have a direct impact on households and businesses here in Monmouthshire.  The Government will deliver a publicly owned Great British Energy company based on investment in renewable energy generation and committed to bringing down our fuel bills, making us all less dependent on imported energy.  To help restore our rivers, polluting companies will be hit with swingeing fines and a ban on bosses’ bonuses.  Meanwhile, the stability that comes from a new UK Government, with a historic majority and an unwavering commitment to economic growth, will lead to new levels of business confidence and investment.  


Meanwhile, devolved matters such as the NHS and education, while administered from the Senedd in Cardiff, will now benefit from joined-up thinking between two Labour administrations. 


For everyone in Monmouthshire – those who voted for me, those who voted differently, and those who stayed home – I promise to represent you all, to be your voice in parliament and always to be on your side. This is a vibrant, diverse, warm and welcoming community, and throughout this campaign, it has become clear that there is far more that unites us than divides us.


We now have a Labour Government in Westminster which will work hand in hand with a Labour Government in Cardiff to deliver the Change which our county and our country so badly need.


The people of Monmouthshire have put their faith in me, voted for change, and supported a Labour Party with a clear, positive vision for our future. We won’t let you down.