A CAMPAIGNER who challenged the closure of a day centre is standing as an independent candidate at the general election. 

Owen Lewis said since becoming involved in the campaign to try and save the Tudor Centre in Abergavenny he has also taken a stand on bank closures and supporting the high street. 

“I had thought I could get more involved in local issues, and my partner, George, had already said perhaps it’s something I should do but I wasn’t sure, and when the election did come I thought why not go for it?,” said Mr Lewis of his decision to put his name forward as the potential MP for Monmouthshire. 

“It’s a good platform and chance to raise these local issues and also reach out on global issues and issues that are never really talked about like the vulnerable and how these things affect them.” 

Mr Lewis grew up in Abergavenny and returned to the town, after studying in Bristol, after getting involved in the Tudor Centre campaign and the aspiring writer now works in a local bookshop. 

That has sparked his interest in supporting high streets and a campaign against the closure of the Barclays Bank branch while his campaign also focuses on international issues, including Gaza. 

A lack of faith in party politics has motivated Mr Lewis to stand as an independent and said: “A lot of people are opposed to the Conservatives and want to get them out but are actually unhappy with Labour and don’t really understand what its policies are and I’ very concerned with Kier Starmer. 

“If Labour get in locally they will have to follow the party rules of Kier Starmer but as an independent I can be the voice for local people and put that forward and represent all the voices that are not being heard”. 

Despite the profile and strength of established parties Mr Lewis said he isn’t deterred: “I work in a bookshop and a lot of people have come in and said they will vote for me. I’ve been going to hustings and putting my name out there and have people going around Monmouthshire campaigning. I have a good team flyering for me. It’s positive and you never know, anything is possible.”