POWYS County Council has been asked to ensure that it is not investing in companies that could be linked to potential war crimes in Gaza.

At a council meeting on Thursday, March 6, the question will be posed to the chairman of the Powys Pensions and Investments committee Cllr Peter Lewis by Michael Brown in the the questions from members of the public section.

Mr Brown asks: “Will the council ensure that none of its pension fund investments are at risk of benefiting companies that may be linked to potential war crimes, given the mounting legal evidence of acts of genocide that are being committed against the civilian population of Gaza.

“It is important that the council protects its present and future pensioners from any risk that their funds have knowingly been invested in such activity.”

Cllr Lewis said: “Concern about the Middle Eastern conflict has been raised and is discussed at Powys Pensions and Investment Committee.

“We hold ourselves to the highest standards of stewardship and are currently reviewing our investment beliefs and strategies that inform our Responsible Investment Policy.”

Cllr Lewis explained that their legal duty is to invest in the “best financial interests” of pension scheme members.

He said that the investment strategy now includes a policy on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations and that they have “prioritised” de-carbonisation.

Cllr Lewis said: “The Middle Eastern conflict is now another significant concern for LGPS (Local Government Pension Scheme) funds.

“Focus on the social element of ESG is increasing, with performance of companies impacting on human rights issues of people and communities in which it engages.

“Such considerations are factored into investment decisions.”

The Powys fund invests through the Wales Pension Partnership (WPPWPP) in several long term investment contracts with dozens of asset manager firms.