AN Abergavenny care home has ensured the memories of its residents will live forever through the publication of a new recipe book.

From the Heart of Home is the name of the book, which is a compilation of classic recipes handed down through generations and recalled by the ladies and gentlemen who live in the Foxhunters Care Community in Iberist Road, Llanfoist.

The book has been produced by luxury care group Dormy Care Communities, which owns Foxhunters and three other homes in Dorset, Hampshire and Herefordshire. Recipes from the other homes are also included in the coffee table-style book.

From food enjoyed whilst living and working abroad, to how to make dishes from specific regions of the UK and quirky desserts from the 1970s, the book includes residents' favourite home-cooked meals and any particular anecdotes/stories about them.

There is also a selection of life stories on some of the residents who live in Foxhunters, such as former schoolteacher Lilian Jones who talks about her life and recalls her mum’s recipe for Welsh faggots and how she used to post some to her in a shoebox whilst she was studying at university.

(Lilian, whose story is included in the book: Pic supplied )

Lilian says: “I always had lots of people queuing up wanting to share them with me because they knew how good they were.

“We would eat them whilst we looked out to sea as the waves came in. They are lovely memories and it’s so nice that I have been able to share them with others through the book.”

All of the sweet and savoury dishes remembered by residents were painstakingly recreated by Dormy Care Communities Executive Chef James Thomas and the Head Chefs who work in the four homes. 

Staff from the four homes also contributed recipes which had been handed down to them too.

James says: “Recipe books seem to be superfluous these days because you can Google pretty much anything to get the information you need, but this book has an entirely different purpose.

“Most of these recipes came from a time when there were no take aways, no ready meals and the preparation of food was an expression of love, and there were stories behind the food people made.

“We wanted to capture these recipes and stories so they will never be forgotten and more importantly it will immortalise these wonderful people.”

Copies of the coffee table style book are being sold at £15 each and anyone interested in purchasing a copy can do so by registering their interest via the Dormy Care Communities’ website,

A donation from all sales will be made to Age UK.