A WAR, not so much of words, but where to place an apostrophe has erupted on social media over a new sign erected on one of Abergavenny’s most well-loved lanes.

Last week, the eye-catching blue sign appeared overnight and brightened up the entrance to the popular thoroughfare like a rainbow made of metal.

“Isn’t that lovely!” Gushed one passer-by as The Chronicle snapped a pic of Abergavenny’s latest urban development. “How continental!” Enthused another. And, “What a transformation!” Cried a pedestrian on the brink of tears.

Of course, Lewis’s Lane was formerly a lot different from how it looks today.

In its early days, there was a congregation of Irish cottages for Irish workmen. The cottages were small and closely built together.

Lewis’s Lane got its name after Lewis’s iron foundry. Lewis, the iron founder, was a journeyman craftsman from Merthyr. He was supported by Sir Benjamin Hall (Big Ben) of Llanover. His casting pit helped produce the railings in Hyde Park, and the cemetery gates in Old Hereford Road amongst others.

Fast forward a century or so and as Aber's newest street sign settled in to become part of the furniture, you might have thought the story would end there. But you’d be wrong!

Proving that even inconspicuous things such as street signs can be controversial in the wastelands of social media, a debate about the positioning of the apostrophe on the sign began to get a little heated on the Abergavenny Voice.

Renowned for its tolerant, broad-minded, and easy-going vibe, debate on the Facebook community page took a turn for the worse when a user announced that the apostrophe in the name Lewis was wrong when showing possession in a sentence.

They then added, “Honestly, an education is wasted on some people!!!”

This set the cat amongst the pigeons!

Users cried, “It’s optional!” “Either is correct!” “It depends on house style!”

And of course, you say potato, I say potata. Either way is the right way. It’s all a matter of perspective.

What’s good for Aber, is good for us all. And we shouldn’t let something as dumb as an apostrophe divide us!