While adverse weather requires increased caution, many drivers are unaware that certain actions—such as splashing pedestrians—can result in significant penalties writes Majid Ismailzada, Marketing Director & Motoring Expert atGM Direct Hire.

Splashing Pedestrians

Under Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, deliberately driving through puddles to splash pedestrians is considered a public nuisance and can be classified as careless and inconsiderate driving. Offenders may face fines of up to £5,000 and receive penalty points on their licence.

Other Rain-Related Offences

Driving Without Due Care and Attention: Failing to adjust your driving to wet conditions can lead to accidents. This offence carries penalties ranging from a £100 fine and 3 points to disqualification.

Defective Equipment: Worn tires and faulty windscreen wipers reduce vehicle safety in rain. Driving with defective equipment can result in fines and penalty points.

Inadequate Visibility: Not using headlights appropriately during reduced visibility can lead to fines.

In wet weather

Reduce Speed: Wet roads decrease tire traction, increasing stopping distances.

Maintain Safe Distances: Keep a larger gap between you and the vehicle ahead.

Avoid Sudden Movements: Brake and steer gently to prevent skidding.

Check Vehicle Condition: Ensure tires, brakes, and wipers are in good working order.