IT is only a matter of time until somebody is killed on one of Abergavenny’s busiest roads, residents have warned writes Sam Hall.

A string of serious accidents have happened on Hereford Road recently because of its “dangerous” surface. And locals fear somebody will be die unless the route – which is believed to have 100 pot holes – is repaired.

Kevin Hudson, who lives in Croesonen Parc, came off his mountain bike along Hereford Road during the summer and has witnessed several accidents.

He explained: “Hereford Road, from the fire station travelling towards Greystones Avenue, is absolutely shocking apart from a 200m section past Croesonen Road towards Mardy.

“I came off my mountain bike when catching my tyres in a pot hole near Mardy.

“I had two new knees recently and cycling is a major part of my rehabilitation. Having come off my bike and damaged my new knee, this has put me back and frightened me to cycle again.”

Mr Hudson said: “I have heard of other cyclists coming off their bikes in Hereford Road and I recently saw a car lose control when braking on the uneven road surface near the zebra crossing at the Grosvenor Road junction.

“The car wasn’t driving fast or in bad conditions. It is extremely hard stopping in control on many of these areas.

“It is also hard to stop near the junction with Lansdown Road, as again the surface is awful.”

Mr Hudson was prompted to contact the Abergavenny Chronicle and Monmouthshire County Council after he saw an elderly woman fall over in the road close to the Mardy care home.

“She was simply crossing the road and if I wasn’t walking nearby, she would have been hit by a car as she was unable to get herself up,” Mr Hudson explained.

He added: “In my opinion I have never seen a worse road surface in my 57 years. This is a main road in and out of Abergavenny and is a hazard to other road users, whether car, cycle or pedestrians.

“It is a matter of time before one of these accidents I have witnessed becomes a fatality.

“I have counted more than 100 pot holes in the stretch of Hereford Road.”

A Monmouthshire County Council spokesperson explained: “Hereford Road in Abergavenny is programmed for resurfacing next year and in the meantime regular inspections and temporary repairs are undertaken in order to keep the road safe.

“The recent flooding has added to a backlog of road repairs throughout the county, however, investment by Monmouthshire County Council and grants from Welsh Government is helping engineers to prepare a package of longer term planned maintenance to halt the decline of the highway network.”