A NEW partnership scheme aimed at tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in Abergavenny town centre has been launched.

The Abergavenny Business Against Crime partnership, which replaces Abergavenny's existing Storenet Radio initiative, aims to increase the detection of crime by improving links between police and businesses in the town.

Businesses are linked together by a two-way radio system, which are issued following training. Members can then share information on offenders and any incidents occurring, helping to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in Abergavenny town centre.

The new partnership includes regular intelligence-sharing meetings and free staff training in crime prevention.

The aim of the partnership is to reduce crime and increase the detection of crime by improving closer links between shops and businesses in the town centre.

The new scheme includes regular intelligence-sharing meetings and free staff training in preventing crime.

Members of partnership are also part of the Exclusion Notice Scheme, which is used to ban troublemakers and persistent offenders. Banned offenders will have their photos circulated in an offender photo album which will be regularly updated.

Abergavenny Neighbourhood Policing Team will visit all offenders that are subject to the scheme and ensure they are aware their future actions in the town centre will be closely monitored.

The scheme has been set up through partnership working between local businesses, Gwent Police and Monmouthshire County Council and will be co-ordinated by PCSO Ruth Moyse.

PCSO Ruth Moyse, of Abergavenny Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: "Shops involved in the scheme will display an ABAC poster to show the public they are working in partnership with Gwent Police to actively target all crime, whether that is shoplifting, anti-social behaviour or criminal damage.

"I have had a very positive response from the retailers. They are all in agreement that the Abergavenny Business Against Crime partnership is a good idea and they can see the benefits of running the scheme in the town."

 If any shops would like more information on becoming part of the Abergavenny Business Against Crime partnership, please contact PCSO Moyse at Abergavenny Police Station on 01495 233917.