A TEACHER who used a derogatory term about a pupil in earshot of a class of eight and nine-year-olds has been banned from the classroom for two years.

A Fitness to Practise Committee of the Education Workforce Council (EWC) ruled that Katie Walsh, 40, had also bullied and initimidated other staff while teaching at Raglan Primary School and behaved in "rude" and "aggressive" behaviour.

It prohibited the mother-of-four, who was the foundation phase lead at the school at the time of complaints between 2017 and 2021, from teaching for 24 months on the grounds of "unacceptable professional conduct".

Sitting over five days, the disciplinary panel heard that Mrs Walsh, who now runs a nursery in Abergavenny, around October 2020, stated within earshot of a class of Year 4 children at the 210-pupil school, that a child was behaving “like a bit of a t***” or words to that effect”.

It also found that between approximately 2018 and 2021, she "displayed behaviour towards one or more colleagues... that was intimidating, undermining, derogatory (and) bullying in nature".

The watchdog further found proven that "on one or more occasions between approximately 2017 and 2021" she "behaved in a rude and/or aggressive and/or patronising manner towards colleagues".

Incidents of such behaviour included to another member of staff in front of her class, plus phone conversations and/or in person discussions with a teacher and during a meeting.

The panel's ruling said: "The Fitness to Practise Committee imposed a Prohibition Order, indefinitely removing Mrs Walsh from the Register of Education Practitioners in the category of school teacher.

"It also decided Mrs Walsh may not make an application for restoration to the Register of Education Practitioners before a period of two years has elapsed.

"Should Mrs Walsh not make a successful application for eligibility for restoration to the Register after 24 May 2026, she will remain prohibited indefinitely.

"Mrs Walsh has the right of appeal to the High Court within 28 days."

A Monmouthshire County Council spokesperson said: ‘Any questions about the process or judgment that the Education Workforce Council (EWC) have arrived at are for them.’

A spokesperson for CiW, the independent regulator of childcare in Wales said, “CIW is aware of the outcome following the Fitness to Practise Committee of the Education Workforce Council in respect of Katie Walsh. The safety and wellbeing of children is CIW’s primary concern, and we are currently urgently investigating the matter.”