We’re all used to seeing pictures of the past in stark black and white but now for the first time there’s a chance to see how the past really looked. Our new series takes applies a colourisation process to some familiar scenes in towns in Wales and the borders and transforms them in to glorious colour.
If you have a picture you’d like to see featured please email it to tim.butters@abergavennychronicle.com

A free car to the reader who can guess the identity of the chap in the basket? Nope, it's not Charlie Chaplin about to get himself in a sticky situation that requires a large shovel of slapstick to extract himself from. The dapper-looking dandy with the debonair moustache is none other than Charles Rolls of Rolls Royce face. Until his tragic death in 1910, Rolls would often hold Easter ballooning meets at Monmouth Gasworks. Just to the left of Rolls are his parents Lord and Lady Llangattock. (Pic supplied. )

At the turn of the 20th Century, there was often fierce debate about who would sit and who would stand for a photograph. In those more rigid and rugged times, it was often considered unmanly to 'take the chair.' As you can see from this pic taken in 1906 inside the historic Market House in Ross which doubled as a fire station, seniority wins out. When not busy putting out fires and rescuing damsels in distress, the boys in the fire brigade liked more than posing for photos in front of their state-of-the-art steam-powered appliance. The question remains, what are they hiding beneath the table? (Pic supplied )

Come on feel the noise! And while you’re at it, have a pint of something wet to celebrate British Beef and Beer Day with these likely lads! Pictured in the Angel Courtyard in Abergavenny sometime back at the turn of the century, when drinking beer and eating beef was all the rage, are former NFU President Hugh Richards with local farmers Colin Alford, Les Bevan, Trevor Bevan, Alan Williams, John Davies, and Ashley Jones. Nowadays you’re more likely to have an avocado and pink gin day. But when you want some iron in your constitution and some vim in your vigour, shandies, and prawn salads just won’t wash, you need beef, beer, and lots of it. Drink up lads, there’s fields to be ploughed and cows to be milked! (Pic supplied )