AFTER being blown out of its big date with destiny by wicked Storm Curragh, Abergavenny’s Christmas Market bounced back with a vengeance today!
Thousands flocked to St John’s Square, Nevill Street, Frogmore Street, Cross Street, and every other square inch that flies under the banner of Abergavenny Town Centre.
There was brass, there was tinsel, there were fairies, there were frolics, and there was an abundance of stalls selling food, drink, and the sort of things you’d be a fool not to want in your stockings!
So come on feel the noise and step into Christmas! The market is going on until 5 pm, so there’s still time to grab your hat, grab your coat, and catch a dose of something festive.
And if you’re still hanging around in town looking for some big dollar fun just before the shadows fall and the moon makes an appearance then why not check out the lads and ladies from the Border Counties Vintage Club who will be parading their tractor and other big machines all dressed up in fairy lights through town.
It’s a sight not to be missed and it all kicks off at 4pm at Junction Yard, Ross Road.