Last weekend hubby and I took a weekend trip to London, a second home along with Ireland to me however a little out of my other halves comfort zone. In all honesty I now feel the same!

In my twenties and thirties, I adored London, the hustle and bustle, the crowded pavements, the packed underground but now I find it all just a bit too much and I long for the calm of the countryside. In saying that we had a great time enjoying a number of the tourist attractions, eating great food and visiting a show at the O2 on Sunday evening.

One of the attractions we visited was the London Eye and I have to say if you ever get the chance, it is well worth taking the opportunity to book a ride. We were so lucky as we booked to go on Sunday which turned out to be the hottest and clearest day of the weekend.

As I had lived in London in my younger days it was great to see it all from a different angle and therefore perspective, in fact the day was so clear you could just see some countryside to the East of the city. On the trip around the wheel, we picked out many of the landmarks that make London what it is and decided the route we would walk when we got off to do some more exploring.

Taking a trip on the wheel was a great reminder that as things happen in life, we should all maybe take a step back and look at it from a different perspective especially relevant in troubled times. We so often get stuck in a rut believing that where we are is where we are meant to be however by sitting quietly, mentally stepping back we can often take what is happening, break it down and review the actions we will take regarding its outcome.

If the London Eye had stopped on Sunday with us at the top for instance, we would have been stuck with the same view for as long as it took to move however the wheel kept moving showing us at times the same view from a different angle which is exactly how life is.

Life is a game of good and bad times I believe for all. Often, I see the same situation handed to two different people but depending on their outlook and perspective the outcome while the same at times can almost be seen as an easy or tough journey through to the destination.

When we got off the London Eye, we decided to take a walk over Westminster Bridge so that hubby could take a look at Big Ben which is exactly where perspective comes into play again. On reaching the tower he was surprised how tall it was after all from the height of the wheel it looked so much smaller than it actually is, isn’t that like life.

At times when we are in the throws of a situation it can seem huge, towering above us, looming its shadows over our paths however when we step back especially when we are out the other side it can seem smaller, a dot on the landscape of our life.

I recently read a quote that said: Take one step at a time and one day when you look back you will realise you have climbed a mountain. Now isn’t that true?

So, next time you are caught up in a situation, take a step back, look at it from a different perspective and just move forward one step at a time.