WE have a plaque in our downstairs loo which says ‘I would agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong’. The housemate bought it for me many years ago as an affectionate and tongue in cheek gift…or at least that’s how I chose to interpret it.

“You’re not always right,” she announced one afternoon after we’d disagreed on something trivial.

“I know,” I replied. “It’s just that I usually am?”

This week our argument of the day surrounding the installation of our new central heating boiler.

“It’s going to be lovely,” said the housemate. “It’ll be much more economical and will heat the house much more quickly.”

“But only if you actually switch it on,” said my sister, who refuses to believe that not everyone has to live in sub-tropical temperatures

“We’ll be able to test it out tomorrow when we go back home,” replied the housemate as we settled into The Mother’s house while the work was taking place.

“We won’t be home tomorrow,” I said happily reverting to my 16 year old self as The Mother waited hand foot and finger on me, clearly delight to have her eldest back at home.

“Yes we will,” replied the housemate. “ Keith the Plumber said we’d be one night without hot water and heat and then we’d be back. “He said the system would be working tomorrow.”

“No he said it would be up and running tomorrow but he’d be coming back to finish it the day after so it won’t be finished.”

“Yes it will,” she responded, leaving the room so I couldn’t answer back.

“I’ll prove to her that I’m right when we go home tomorrow and ask Keith the Plumber,” I said nodding confidently to The Mother and secretly wondering what would be on the menu for supper on our second night.

At breakfast the next day we resumed the conversation.

“I don’t think the heating will be working today,” I said

“What did she say,” asked The Mother who hadn’t bothered to put in her hearing aids.

“No idea,” said the housemate, who was also sans hearing aids.

“Oh for goodness sake,” I muttered heading out of the room.

“I can’t hear a word she’s saying,”said The Mother

“No thank you I’ve had two pieces already,” replied the housemate as I headed for the door.

Returning home the housemate’s first job was to tackle the boiler installer.

“Will you settle an argument please,” she asked almost dragging him out of the boiler cupboard. “Will the heating be working by tonight?”

He smiled nervously obviously unwilling to upset either of us..

“Yes it will,” he finally replied.

“You mean it’ll be up and running, but it won’t be working as in heating the house and giving hot water,” I asked, giving him chance to redeem himself.

“Yes it will. I’ve just got to come back tomorrow to finish off once the system cleaning chemicals have had time to work,” he replied as the housemate almost burst with glee.

“Told you,” she said.

“He’s just agreeing with you because you make him cake,” I snarled, glaring at the plumber, now safely away from danger back in his cupboard.

“I’m surprised you weren’t straight on the phone to The Mother,” I said to the housemate as she sat opposite me gloating over her coffee.

“I text her,” she smiled grinning from ear to ear.