Well, just like that 2025 is firmly upon us and I want to wish every single one of you all the very best for the year ahead.

Those of you who follow Welsh politics closely will already know that the Welsh Conservatives had a reshuffle just before Christmas as our new leader Darren Millar MS unveiled his top team.

And I was absolutely delighted to be appointed Wales’ new Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Education as part of the rejig.

I am of course sad to say goodbye to the Transport portfolio having held the job since my election to the Welsh Parliament in 2021.

During that time, I have met some truly fantastic people and worked closely with some amazing groups and organisations.

From campaigning for rail improvements and pushing for urgent support for our buses to pushing for the dead hand of the Welsh Government to be removed from Cardiff Airport and fighting for better electric vehicle infrastructure across the country, it has been a job I have thoroughly loved.

But perhaps the biggest highlight for me personally has been leading the charge against Labour’s drastic 20mph speed limit policy.

Yes, it may have gotten me into a spot of trouble on a couple of occasions, but I have no regrets for standing up for the thousands of people affected by this damaging policy.

Following months of campaigning, I am pleased to see the Welsh Government is ever so slightly rowing back on this costly policy, but it is still not enough.

Despite no longer having the brief, I will continue to push for improvements across South Wales East.

Like I said, it has been an absolute joy to serve as Shadow Transport Minister, but am equally excited by what this new role has in store for me.

As things stand, our education system isn’t delivering the outcomes it should be and that’s down to more than two decades of Labour mismanagement.

We have 20% of pupils leaving primary school illiterate, violence in classrooms leading to teacher walkouts, absenteeism soaring and our teachers are under immense pressure.

I am under no illusions this is going to be a challenging role, but it is a fight I am more than happy to take on because our children deserve a top-quality education.

Over the coming months, I will be campaigning for much-needed improvements and putting forward my vision for education in Wales because our children, teachers and all school staff deserve better.

As our new leader Darren Millar so perfectly put it: “After 25 years of Labour failure, Wales is crying out for hope and change; I look forward to setting out our plans to deliver just that in the weeks and months to come."

As ever, if there is anything I can do to help going forward, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected] or by calling 01633 215138.