I am thrilled and encouraged by the depth of creative talent in this county and our council is determined to play a positive role encouraging, supporting and showcasing those who contribute so skilfully to our vibrant culture and economy.

In the spring we opened the doors of county hall for the first ever council-led Celebration of the Arts giving a platform to just some of the talented artists, musicians and performers who live and work among us. This will become an annual event.

And last month we were proud to be at the launch of the Creative Industries Cluster Hub in Cardiff where again the work of some of Monmouthshire’s talented artists was on display.

It all serves to underline the importance of our own cultural strategy. The UK’s creative industries contribute £84 billion to the national economy and Monmouthshire is a significantly large dot on that map.

As an illustration of the supporting role we can play, the youth production of “The Visitors” at the Borough Theatre last week was a performance developed and organised by the participants of the Creative Futures Project.

With funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Creative Futures is a brilliant collaboration with Monmouthshire Youth Service, Dance Blast, the Borough Theatre and the Melville Centre for the Arts.

Its aims are to bring together young people 11-19 to plan and develop their own creative work, allowing them to develop a programme that is meaningful and engaging around the issues that are important to them. With experienced local and national arts practitioners, groups of young people learn a whole raft of skills, including performance, writing, composing music, costume. And at the same time they develop self-confidence and make new friends.

Now as part of the same initiative creative summer schools are taking place in Abergavenny, Monmouth and Chepstow and are free for the participants, with transport provided if needed. In addition there are a whole series of music and theatre performances taking place in parks and castles around the county this summer. These and other events are listed on https://www.visitmonmouthshire.com

It shows that as a council we are actively engaging as part of our cultural strategy: a programme that belongs to everyone and provides a focal point for networking, support, and inclusion across all our communities. It is an essential part of our Community and Corporate Plan commitment to you all.