Making my first speech in Parliament last week was both daunting and a proud moment for me. I spelled out my three immediate priorities: strengthening our economy and bringing down household bills; tackling inequality, with Monmouthshire rated as one of the most unequal counties in Wales; and fighting to repair our damaged environment, particularly our spectacular rivers.

On the economy, this government’s biggest announcement so far has been the creation of Great British Energy. I was glad to be able to make the case for Monmouthshire’s renewable wind and wave energy potential. I will continue to make sure that Monmouthshire’s voice gets heard as the Government makes its decisions on where to invest.

The causes of inequality run deep and can’t be solved overnight. It’s all about pushing hard for small actions which together can make a big difference. The news this week that Monmouthshire County Council has offered a new lease to the community group campaigning for the future of Abergavenny’s Tudor Street day care centre is a positive step forward. Nationally, issues of fairness and justice are front and centre for this Government, and I’ve raised the cause of one of my constituents, Linda, who tragically lost her husband to HIV and Hepatitis C as a result of the contaminated blood scandal. The Paymaster General confirmed to me that the Government compensation payments will be made starting later this year.

With our rivers running across borders and constituencies, the only way forward is to reach out and work together. This week I had a positive meeting with Matt Bishop, MP for the Forest of Dean, and we are committed to stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of the Wye. We then discussed whether measures might be taken to reduce heavy truck traffic on the Staunton road, which I know is a concern for many in the Monmouth area. I’ll also be reaching out to fellow MPs, both Green Party and Conservative, whose constituencies cover upstream sections of the Wye. Finally on environment, I visited the Welsh Eagle project which is working on restoring white-tailed eagles locally. I look forward to seeing how this progresses, taking into account the justifiable concerns of some farmers.

My next surgery will be in Monmouth on August 24 from 10-12. Please book by calling 07830 995037 and leaving your phone number, name and address. We will then contact you. You can also raise any issue with me, or invite me to visit your community group or business, by emailing [email protected].