It was wonderful to see the Prime Minister and the First Minister in Wales last week, working together to deliver clean energy investment across Wales: Great British Energy. This will create jobs in Wales, grow the economy and strengthen Britain's energy independence. Many residents look forward to benefiting from the community energy projects mentioned in the Bill. So, in one of my first interventions in the House of Commons, I asked the Energy Minister when we could start bidding into the process, especially with the tidal River Severn and plenty of other wind and wave opportunities here in Monmouthshire. 


In Monmouth I had the pleasure of meeting with Friends of the River Wye and Save the Wye to discuss the next steps for both the UK Government and Welsh Government in cleaning up the River Wye. Last month, I wrote to the Environment Secretary, Steve Reed MP, and his Welsh counterpart, Huw Irranca-Davies MS, asking them to meet with me to discuss the river. I am pleased to report that in our first week of government, the Secretary of State put water companies under tough special measures to begin cleaning up our rivers. 


In Abergavenny, I met with local campaigner and activist Owen Lewis at the Town Hall to formally accept his petition of signatures on the recent High Street bank closures. As your Labour candidate, I campaigned for access to better banking and cash in Monmouthshire. Now, as your MP, I look forward to working with residents to try to establish a new banking hub in Monmouthshire, as well as hold the government accountable for the rollout of banking hubs across the country.


On behalf of passengers in Chepstow and Caldicot, I wrote to Cross Country last week about their reduced train timetable, which will impact the stations at Chepstow, Caldicot and Severn Tunnel Junction. For too long, passengers in Monmouthshire have suffered delays and cancellations. The company has acknowledged that services have "fallen below the standards our passengers should expect from us". I have urged them to take action, and I await news on how they will improve.  


My office is here to support anyone facing difficulties in Monmouthshire. I can assist with a range of issues, including Pension Credit, benefits, HMRC and taxes, and antisocial behaviour and policing. I am holding regular advice surgeries, so please do not hesitate to get in touch at [email protected].