Someone once told me everyday is a school day and ever since I believe they are right as there are not many days go by, I don’t learn something either through others or indeed by watching a programme on TV. There are times I decide however to learn a new skill just because I am curious, two weeks ago I decided to do just this.
For many years even going back to my childhood I have watched as others crocheted, knitted or sewed and wondered how on earth they did it. When in school it took me three years to make two aprons and a blouse, this never got finished as I headed out of needlework as soon as I could choosing not to pursue my journey by excluding it from my options!
I am surprised that I never got the hang of it as I was surrounded in my youth as I am now relatives and friends who find any sort of needlework as easy as they used to say as ‘ABC’. My grandmothers both were excellent at all three of the above, throwing out baby and adult clothes, rugs, blankets etc. you name they made it; my mum is an excellent knitter and over the years has made jumpers plus an extraordinary amount of beautiful and amazing toys; my sisters and cousins all handled the sewing machine with ease making their own curtains, quilt covers and yep clothing, so what happened to me?
All of the above tried on so many occasions to teach me but all failed, well I failed they did their best! I just couldn’t seem to grab the concept of handling needles and thread of any kind, this however all recently changed.
On visiting my elderly aunt back in the summer, we got chatting about the crocheting she was doing and I explained how many occasions I had tried to learn the ‘how’ of doing this very art. Now my aunt is amazing and is an expert at all things sewing, knitting and crocheting, over the years making many items for all the family, so she was sure she would be able to get me to get the hang of crocheting.

So, a couple of weeks ago I decided to take her up on the challenge. I have to say I did it with trepidation and whilst I always face things head on with the belief I can accomplish it this time I had my doubts. I have to say however that my aunt succeeded where many others have failed in that after a couple of hours, I did get the hang of it to degree. My first attempt however ended up a lot slimmer at the top than it did at the start point where my aunt cast on but within in a week and a couple of weeks, I can now say I can crochet – well one type of stich anyway.
I have since casted on myself and now have a piece of crochet that resembles something like a square, happy days.
In all the years I tried and didn’t get it I am now proud as in my aunt of my endeavours, I am sure my grandmothers would be too.
So, next time you give up on something because you have tried and previously failed, I urged you to try again, give it go and hopefully like me in the end you will succeed.