ABERGAVENNY Petanque Club celebrated another busy season at their AGM last month.
President Clive Howells commenced the meeting welcoming all members, and after receipt of apologies, minutes of the previous AGM held on Monday, December 11, 2023, were approved.
He reported on another full season increasing the Bailey Park-based club's Thursday Mini League teams from three to four which went down well with players, as did the Monthly Melee Competition.
The club continued its friendlies with Wilton Bridge Ross and Golden Valley Casuals, had three teams in the Gwent Boules League, and hosted its annual club singles, doubles and triples competitions alongside regular practice sessions.
Clive thanked the executive for their work during the season and the members for keeping the playing area and clubhouse clean and tidy.
Treasurer David Bloor presented the club's accounts and financial report showing a positive position and after some questions they were unanimously accepted.
David also gave an update on the club's website and Facebook activity.
Club Captain Gareth Howells then reported on the season and results.
The Reds and Golds in Division Two of the Gwent Boules League finished fifth and sixth respectively, while the Blues placed fifth in Division Four, a reasonable season overall with all teams in the top half of their tables.
Club competition winners were – Singles Cup Winner, Alex Bowman; Doubles Cup Winners, Mark Jackson and Peter Stahl; Triples Cup Winners, June Anderson, Peter Stahl and Gerald Parry.
Mini League results were – 1st Deri, with 56 points; 2nd Rholben, with 46 points; 3rd Blorenge, with 32 points; and fourth Skirrid with 32 points.
The Monthly Melee Competition saw Peter Stahl in first, Alex Bowman second, and Jane Allen third.
Officers Elected for the 2025 season:
President – Clive Howells.
Secretary and Reds Captain – Alex Bowman.
Treasurer and Golds Captain – David Bloor.
Club Captain – Gareth Howells.
Blues Captain – David James.