Instructor Garen Kong who lives in Abergavenny, took a small team from the Heads of the Valleys club to Sweden for the European Championships in Tang Soo Do as part of the GB team.

The Welsh team consisted of Garen (Black Belt), Geane Delos Reyes (Blue Belt)and Adam Hill (Red Belt) Adam won Gold in Sparring, Silver in Weapons and Bronze in forms.

Geane took two gold medals in Forms and Weapons and Silver in Sparring. Garen placed Gold in all three events, which earned the place of overall Adult Male Grand Champion.

This is the second time the trophy has been brought home by a Welsh student and he retains the title from the Last European Championships where his instructor won the title; a massive achievement for the club .

The Heads of the Valleys Dojang pride themselves in cultivating a sense of growth and development through traditional Martial Arts to help students of all ages and abilities overcome difficulties and build on strengths such as health, fitness, and confidence.