A NEW children’s book by an Abergavenny born teacher and author is storming its way up the best sellers lists.

The Adventures of Cwtch and Mango by Louise Ransom follows a pair of adventurous pooches - spaniel Cwtch and clumsy Alsatian Mango, as they embark on a journey of discovery and adventure as they take a moped trip to Spain.

Once there they immerse themselves in the culture, learning Spanish words and numbers, cooking a delicious Spanish tortilla, and experiencing the vibrant music and dance of Flamenco before enjoying an amazing Spanish party. 

Each chapter includes a series of quizzes and tasks based on the adventures of the inquisitive pair, which help young readers to learn more about Spain and its culture while having fun.

Writer Louise was born and raised in Abergavenny, where her mum Carol Paton and father Ian Ransome still live, but she now lives with her partner and, of course, cocker spaniel Cwtch in Surrey where she teaches geography and travel, and tourism. 

Louise and Cwtch
Louise and Cwtch (Supplied)

She will be a familiar face to theatre audiences in Abergavenny for her many appearances with AAODS, Junior AAODS and Abergavenny Light Opera Company.

“I had many ambitions as a child and young adult, but the one that really inspired me was to travel, and that's exactly what I did,” explains Louise.

“I spent two years living out of a rucksack and travelling the world. This gave me a huge appreciation for life and for the beauty within our world and when I landed back on Welsh soil I decided to train as a teacher so that I could share all of my experiences with the future generation. 

“The idea of Cwtch and Mango came to me during lockdown when I was trying to inspire  young people during that difficult time. Creating activities and stories about different countries came naturally to me and so, 'The Adventures of Cwtch and Mango' was created.”

Louise and Cwtch on their travels
Louise and Cwtch on their travels (Supplied)

Available online and on the high street, is selling like hot tortillas with Louise promising that there are many more adventures for Cwtch and Mango in the pipeline, including an adventure in Hawaii, which she is currently working on.