The Abergavenny Art Group

The Abergavenny Art group will be holding its annual art exhibition at the Holy Trinity Church Hall in Baker Street from Saturday, July 27 to Saturday August, 3. The exhibition is open from 10.00am to 5.00pm daily, and entry is free.

Work included in the exhibition is from members of the art group, as well as a selection of work by King Henry VIII A- level students.This year’s featured artist is Olwyn Pegington, a long time member of the art group. The exhibition will be opened by Jan Thomas, a well-known local artist, who specialises in textile art.

The art group meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month, and next year’s programme runs from September 2024 through to June 2025. This will include demonstrations of oil painting, the use of pastels, portrait painting, papier mache sculpture, in addition to life drawing and outdoor painting sessions. During the exhibition there will be a reduced membership offer for new members.

Llantilio Crossenny WI

President Lin Morris welcomed back popular speaker John Sheen to the June meeting of Llantilio Crossenny WI.

John entertained members and friends with nostalgic memories of “The Happiest Days” - life during our school days.  A natural story teller and former headteacher, John is quite reminiscent of Gervaise Phinn, author and former school inspector from North Yorkshire.  

John Sheen
John Sheen (LCWI)

He retold heart warming stories with clarity, wit and honesty proceeding to reignite memories we had locked away relating to our childhood paths and experiences at school.  Mr Sheen encouraged everyone to draw on their own experiences and anecdotes and share them with the present company.  Amusing and sometimes thought-provoking tales came forward with discussions on favourite canteen dishes, (roly poly pudding a firm favourite), racing down country lanes for cross country runs, the repetitive drone of reciting times tables, the long distances sometimes walked to and from school for some country pupils and even the dreaded cane!  He detailed well the funny things children say and do, to everyone’s amusement. The LC WI choir performed for the Abergavenny Visually Impaired Club in June which was enthusiastically received.  Songs from The Sound of Music, The Lion King, Eurovision hits and much more filled their repertoire and these were served up alongside delicious offerings of lemon biscuits, tea and cake. The choir has accepted an invitation to sing at the Gwent WI Federation annual Christmas Carol service in early December so will be concentrating on seasonal music in the autumn when they reconvene. June ended with an enjoyable walk from Llantilio Crossenny to Whitecastle and back, navigating along the Offa’s Dyke pathway.  The weather was kind to those who participated and it proved to be a delightful route for spotting wildlife and stunning scenic views.  The event was held in aid of ACWW (associated country women of the world) to help support and empower women elsewhere, improving outcomes for them and their families. A total of £85 was raised for this worthy cause.  A delightful picnic was enjoyed at Whitecastle with local friends before the return walk to Llantilio Church.   A trip to St Fagans, the Welsh Folk Museum, has been the highlight for July.  A visit to the late 16th century castle and surrounding village in Cardiff which first opened its gates in July 1948.  It was the UK’s first national open-air museum, reflecting the everyday lives of ordinary people.    Eighteen members and friends enjoyed a glorious day with a parting visit to Penarth for a walk along the waterfront to round off the trip with an ice cream and a paddle as it was such a sunny day! All WIs have received the schedule for this year’s Federation Show on 23rd November. There are classes in floral art, cookery, preserves, art and craft and photography. The theme of the day is “Christmas is Coming” so everyone can start planning their entries! Interspersed throughout the meetings, choir practices and walks, the WI has organised several bi-weekly coffee mornings at various locations including Emmeline’s and the Community Centre in Abergavenny along with the Bridges Centre in Monmouth.  Thanks to the committee for their involvement in the local community and encouraging the WI movement in Monmouthshire.  Look out on social media for our next date and venue. Alternatively join us on Wednesday 14th August at Park Farm, Llantilio Crossenny at 2:30 pm for a summer picnic.  For further details please contact us via Llantilio Crossenny WI Facebook page or telephone Lin on 07840641856 or Sue on 07768280251.  Meetings take place at Llanvapley pavilion on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.  We look forward to welcoming you.

  Gilwern WI

The Gilwern WI ladies were proud to be part of GILFEST held on Sunday, July 21 and to be able to join in with the different stalls, events and activities taking place in Gilwern Park. Our team were able to enjoy the fun local occasion as well as selling and “showcasing “their creative skills.

The WI stall was overflowing with baked cakes and biscuits, grown plants, and an array of homemade craft items including bags, teddies, pebble art and selection of homemade cards. It was a great afternoon where everyone involved had fun meeting new and old friends.

If you want to find out more about Gilwern WI and what we are about, then please come along on second Thursday of each month at 7pm in Gilwern Community Centre. Our next meeting will be on 12th September due to going on our annual outing in August instead of our monthly meeting. A warm welcome will be guaranteed.

Gilfest WI
A colourful display by Gilwern WI at the much loved GilFest. (Picture: supplied)