IN an extraordinary effort to raise awareness and funds for mental health research, James Smith originally from Abergavenny, as an Ambassador for the Mindstep Foundation, has cycled over 2,300 Kilometres from his home in London to Perugia, Italy.  

James's pedal
On the way to Italy (Supplied)

The journey, which began on July 23, aimed to raise £1 per Kilometre cycled, with a fundraising target of £2,300 or more for crucial suicide prevention research, conducted by the University of Glasgow.

James at home
James at home (Supplied)

The Mindstep Foundation is a charity, founded in memory of Max Davies, James’ brother-in-law - who came from Monmouth - focused on fundraising to improve mental health and suicide prevention.

James Smith and Max Davies
James and Max (Supplied)

Their mission is to advance research, increase awareness, and provide support for everyone affected. Mindstep has established a Fellowship at Glasgow University and has raised over £250,000 to further its charity and research objectives.

Cycling in the Alps
A brief rest (Supplied)

Over the years, James has personally raised over £7,000 through various fundraising events, including cycling the length of Wales and back in 48 hours and in cycling from Geneva to Perugia, to support better mental health research.

Alpine views
Stunning landscapes on the route (Supplied)

James is cycling in memory of Max who passed away to suicide in 2018. Reflecting on difficult times and how exercise had helped him to maintain a positive wellbeing, James shared: "I have always been interested in the link between the benefits of exercise and mental health. Exercise has always driven me and allowed me to improve my mental health and cope in difficult situations. Your support during this challenge means the world to me and to everyone at the Mindstep Foundation."

James Smith
Taking a break (Supplied)

James shared daily updated on his journey with his supporter on Stava and via the Mindstep Foundation social media pages, as well as on his Just Giving page. James covered the total distance of 2300km in 10 days, with a total of 90 hours 25 minutes cycling and averaging 250km per day with an average speed of 26kph.

Speaking of his journey, James said: “The Journey from London to Perugia was an incredible adventure. I started on the flats of Belgium, France and Luxembourg before crossing the Alps in Switzerland. Descending into the Italian lakes of Como, Lugano and Garda. From there I headed down the Italian coast battling the heat to Rimini and then inland to Perugia.

Boats on lake
A break in the journey (Supplied)

The hardest day for me was the final day heading from the coast at Rimini to Perugia, I had to traverse the Apennine mountain range climbing 2,350m in 35 degree heat to reach my final destination. 

On completing the challenge, I felt relieved and also overwhelmed by the support from so many. I am very grateful for all donations received and for supporting the Mindstep Foundation, a charity so close to my heart.”

You can support James on this monumental fundraising challenge. Every contribution made will help to advance the research and support provided by the Mindstep Foundation, making a significant impact in the fight against suicide.

Mental health support available

If you are struggling with your mental health you don't have to face it alone - these groups are among those able to offer help

Samaritans: 116 123

Anxiety UK: 03444 775 774

CALM: 0800 585 858

MIND: 0300 123 3393

Young Minds: 0808 802 5544

Bipolar UK: 0333 323 3880

The Mindstep Foundation was founded in memory of Max Davies, from Monmouth, who died by suicide in 2018. The charity was established by Max’s family to fund mental health and suicide prevention research, awareness and support. The charity supports vital research at the University of Glasgow and deliver Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).

Tracey Davies, Max's mum (and James's mother-in-law!) said: "We so grateful to James for undertaking this epic challenge to raise funds for the Mindstep Foundation. James knew and loved Max and since his passing has been completely dedicated to raising awareness about mental health, supporting others and fundraising for our suicide prevention research. 

James and Max
James and brother-in-law Max (Supplied)

“Our family set up the Mindstep Foundation in memory of our lovely Max in the hope that we could prevent others from suffering such a tragic loss. We recognise that research is vital to understand more about causes of suicide and how we can prevent it. The work undertaken at the University of Glasgow is truly ground-breaking but funding is essential for it to continue.Thank you to all who have supported James with their generous donations - you are helping to find the much-needed answers about how we can prevent suicide"

In 2022, Mindstep supported Andy's Man Club to establish a group in Abergavenny which James and his dad Mike help to facilitate. The group meets every Monday in the Tithe Barn from 7-9pm

To donate to the James’s fundraising efforts visit