Friends of Bailey Park and Abergavenny Town Council teamed up to celebrate their second Picnic in the Park on August Bank Holiday Monday.

Friends of Bailey Park
The day was a testament to the unity of the community as volunteer based organisations combined forces to bring a musical extravaganza to Abergavenny. (Friends of Bailey Park)

Entertainment was provided by Tenovus Choir, Abergavenny Borough Band, and Choirs for Good. Friends of Bailey Park and Tenovus Cancer Care had information stands, and the refreshments at St Johns Ambulance Hall were very popular! 

Friends of Bailey Park and ATC would like to extend a huge thanks to Abergavenny Rotary Club for the loan of their sound system which, without, the concert would not have been possible.

Friends of Bailey Park
Children got involved in the festivities on the bright day. (Friends of Bailey Park)
Friends of Bailey Park
Tenovus Cancer Care was one of the many organisations who took part on the day. (Friends of Bailey Park)
Friends of Bailey Park
Mayor of Abergavenny Cllr Chris Holland was joined by Monmouthshire MP Catherine Fookes, former Mayor Anne Wilde and Cllr Laura Wright. (Friends of Bailey Park)

It is hoped that this new venture will become a permanent Bank Holiday fixture every year in the future, after further discussion with the Town Council, and that over time Bailey Park will attract a larger numbers of visitors for this event.

It is also an opportunity for local music makers to fundraise for their worthy causes.

The weather was kind, considering the gusts and rain locals had endured in the days beforehand, and the atmosphere was relaxed as everyone enjoyed their picnics while meeting and sitting with friends and family.

A spokesperson from Friends of Bailey park added: “We were very pleased to welcome our Mayor, Chris Holland, and special guest Catherine Fookes, our new Member of Parliament, who not only helped with litter picking, but acted as Master of Ceremonies for part of the time. She also took the time to speak to many of those helping out, including St. John’s Ambulance, who set up an attractive display area for the sale of snacks and drinks nearby.”

The Town Council and Friends of Bailey Park would like to thank everyone who participated in this special occasion for their support and contribution to an exceedingly successful event.