Llantilio Pertholey WI
Llantilio Pertholey WI met on the first Thursday of September after having a break in August. The weather was not kind to us for our first talk, it was a particularly wet evening, but that did not stop our members, including those from other WIs from braving the rain to hear the speaker.
We were not disappointed and treated to a fabulous presentation on Bee-keeping from Rose Wall of Ty Bryn Handmade. Rose illustrated her talk with various items essential to the Bee-keeper including her own head to toe bee-keeper suit and all the paraphernalia she needs to keep her group of hives healthy and producing plenty of honey. It was really fascinating to hear when, why and how the bees swarm. We were told the sort of plants which we could put in our gardens to provide nectar for bees, especially early in the year.
For the competition this month we were asked to bring “A Bee” exhibits were many and varied, crochet, paintings, photos, a candle, embroidery and more. Rose very kindly judged the competition for us. The winner was Lavinia O'Brien, second Margaret Reardon and third Sheilagh Aspley.
Although we didn't have meeting in August, we do love our annual trip to the seaside and this year was no exception, with a trip to the Sidmouth Folk Festival. We were joined by members from other local WIs and for the first time members of Abergavenny Gardening Group. The weather wasn't too sunny but the Morris Dancers and folk groups were lively and of course the fish and chips by the sea a delightful treat. Thank you Jane White for organising.
Following the trip we were busy dressing the window at “Red Square” you cannot believe how much fun can be obtained from this activity. We tried to show all aspects of what being in the WI means so I hope that you were able to enjoy the exhibits which were on show for two weeks.
Saturday, 7 September saw our group walking in the Abergavenny Carnival. Llantilio Pertholey WI is 105 years old this year so we dressed for each decade. Once again the weather wasn't very good but it was good fun and wonderful to see so many people in Abergavenny supporting the Carnival.
So if you are looking for some fun and friendship and are interested in joining us please come along to our next meeting at Mardy Hall, Abergavenny. We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 7.15 pm.
Our October meeting is our Harvest Supper and our competition for October is a “A Corn Dolly”. Please come along you will be very welcome, we are a very friendly bunch. If you need any further information please contact me Lavinia O'Brien 01873 851356
CWMYOY & DISTRICT W.I. were delighted to welcome a very engaging speaker to our meeting on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at Cwmyoy Hall. Carl Ponsford, one of the Protect and Prevent Officers working in the Cyber Crime team with Gwent Police came to give us a presentation.
Carl presented a very enlightening talk about ‘CYBER SECURITY’. He was an extremely interesting speaker and addressed the fact that many people are phased by some of the concepts involved in ‘keeping safe online’. He also understood the fears we have about how to avoid being ‘scammed’ as we have all heard stories about other unfortunate individuals.
Coming from a village environment, many of us are disappointed that so much of the personal side of doing business has been handed over to faceless customer service groups and we ‘don’t know who we’re talking to’ and whether it’s safe. He was bombarded with questions and gave us many hints and tips about how to remain safe and sound whilst using online applications.
Gilwern U3A
It’s a new school year and with it comes a new season of talks for Gilwern u3a members and friends.
The monthly meetings will resume on Wednesday September 18th when the speaker will be David Mitchell. The title for his talk is "The men who made our maps- a history of Ordnance Survey".
All of us have used these maps at some time, but not many know the history of them starting with the mapping of Scotland in 1745 following the Jacobite uprising, and then the necessity for a more general military knowledge of Britain with the threat of invasion during the Napoleonic Wars. Fascinating stuff!
The meeting on Wednesday 16th October features Gilwern u3a’s own Kay Blackwell as she talks through “A Sunday School Teacher’s Scrapbook”, a personal record of the building of Coventry Cathedral.
All monthly meetings start at 2:00pm in Gilwern Community Centre, Common Road, at 2pm and all are welcome.
If you are interested in joining Gilwern u3a, please go to our website www.gilwernu3a.org.uk
Blaenavon Local History Society
Blaenavon Local History Society meets of Thursday September 12th at 7pm in King Street Chapel Schoolroom.
The speaker will be acclaimed historian John Evans whose presentation will be concerned with Crime in Blaenavon in the 1800s.